The Way of Salvation

Inspired by John Wesley:
One of the best ways to understand something is to look at the end game first. When Marvel began their twenty movie and ten year run at the box office everyone knew one thing for sure; the end game. The endgame of the first phase of the Marvel Universe was always going to be a showdown with Thanos. The moment he showed up on the big screen, any Marvel comic book fan knew what the endgame was going to be for the Avengers. As we know, unless you were under a rock the last ten years, Thanos and the Avengers did end up squaring off and the final movie in the phase was called The Endgame.
When thinking about our salvation we can better understand these concepts by understanding what God’s endgame is for his people. If we are to grasp that concept, then we need to start at the end and work our way backwards.
So, what is God’s endgame? God is in the business of restoration. God wants to rid the world of the sin of humanity and the works of the devil. The endgame of God is to restore humanity to its pre-sin state and to do it now in the person who gives him consent.
So where do we start?
"Salvation is not merely deliverance from hell, but a present delieverance from sin, a restoration of the soul to its primitive health, and a renewal of our souls after the image of God in righteousness and true holiness." -John Wesley
Reflecting on Wesley's understanding of salvation, we embark on a journey of spiritual renewal, focusing on the transformative power of God's grace and the active role we play in our own journey.
Week 1. The Beginning: Salvation, prevenient Grace and the Call to Faith:
Wesley believed in a "prevenient grace" – a grace that precedes our conscious choice, preparing our hearts for God's love and drawing us towards Him.
This grace is the initial spark, a gentle nudge that awakens our souls to the possibility of a deeper relationship with God.
Faith, for Wesley, is the crucial response to this grace.
It's not merely intellectual assent, but a trust in God's love and a willingness to give him everything. It's a new way of seeing the world, perceiving the spiritual realm and recognizing God's presence and power in our lives.
Meditate on your own salvation. If you haven't made that step yet, maybe it is time to lean into the grace that you have already received and allow God to have presence in your heart and to permeate your life.
Song suggestion to Meditate on as you consider these next questions:“Amazing Grace”
Questions to Ponder:
How have you experienced God's prevenient grace in your life? Have you allowed yourself to think about the times that God gave you that grace? What moments have drawn you closer to Him? Reflect on the ways faith has opened your heart and mind to God's love and truth. Then write it down in a journal to come back to on this Way of Salvation journey.
Week 2. Justification: Forgiveness and Acceptance
Justification is the moment of God's forgiveness, where we are declared righteous in His sight through faith in Jesus Christ.
This is a gift of grace, not earned by our own efforts. He just likes us so much that he gives it to us for free. A concept that we don't really understand in this day and time. It's a fundamental shift in our relationship with God, moving from a state of separation to one of reconciliation. We are now not alone in the game towards the finish line.
Wesley emphasized that justification is not just a future event, but a present reality.
It brings immediate peace, joy, and a sense of belonging in God's family. It's a foundational experience that sets us free from guilt and shame.
Song suggestion to meditate to while you ponder the concept of Justification in your journey:
Song: Living Hope- Phil Wickham-
Chorus: Hallelujah, praise the one who set me free
Hallelujah, death has lost its grip on me
You have broken every chain
There’s salvation in your name
Jesus Christ, my living hope
Questions to ponder: Reflect on the freedom that comes with God's forgiveness. Has death lost its grip on you? How has this knowledge impacted your life? How can you continue to experience the joy and peace that comes from knowing you are accepted by God?
Week 3: Sanctification: Growing in Holiness: This is a big word and sounds scary, but there is always more to do on this journey.
Sanctification is the ongoing process of spiritual transformation, where we are empowered by the Holy Spirit to increasingly live in accordance with God's will.
It's a lifelong journey of growth in holiness, where we strive to embody the love of God in our thoughts, words, and actions. He becomes the center of all of our being and nothing else comes out but love and joy.
Wesley emphasized that sanctification is not a passive process, but requires our active participation.
It involves cultivating habits of prayer, Bible study, and service, as well as striving to overcome sin and live in accordance with God's teachings.
Song to meditate while you ponder on Sanctification:
Song: Make Room- Community Music
Consider: How can you actively participate in the process of sanctification? What areas of your life need further transformation? Are there rooms in your personal house that need to be opened to the Lord? Pray for God's guidance and strength as you seek to grow in holiness.
Week 4: Glorification...We Have Made it to the Endgame!
We have now made it to the Endgame...Glorification!! There is no week of study for this one. If we focus on getting ourselves towards Sanctification, then we will make it to Glory with the Father at the end. Praise the Lord.
Wesley believed that love, especially the love of God and neighbor, is the driving force behind Christian living.
It's the foundation of a truly transformed life, leading us to do good, to care for others, and to live in harmony with God's will. This will ensure that we will make it to the foot of Jesus someday.
Song to meditate on in anticipation for Glorification some day: Bodies- Barry Scott and Second Wind
One of the best ways to understand something is to look at the end game first. When Marvel began their twenty movie and ten year run at the box office everyone knew one thing for sure; the end game. The endgame of the first phase of the Marvel Universe was always going to be a showdown with Thanos. The moment he showed up on the big screen, any Marvel comic book fan knew what the endgame was going to be for the Avengers. As we know, unless you were under a rock the last ten years, Thanos and the Avengers did end up squaring off and the final movie in the phase was called The Endgame.
When thinking about our salvation we can better understand these concepts by understanding what God’s endgame is for his people. If we are to grasp that concept, then we need to start at the end and work our way backwards.
So, what is God’s endgame? God is in the business of restoration. God wants to rid the world of the sin of humanity and the works of the devil. The endgame of God is to restore humanity to its pre-sin state and to do it now in the person who gives him consent.
So where do we start?
"Salvation is not merely deliverance from hell, but a present delieverance from sin, a restoration of the soul to its primitive health, and a renewal of our souls after the image of God in righteousness and true holiness." -John Wesley
Reflecting on Wesley's understanding of salvation, we embark on a journey of spiritual renewal, focusing on the transformative power of God's grace and the active role we play in our own journey.
Week 1. The Beginning: Salvation, prevenient Grace and the Call to Faith:
Wesley believed in a "prevenient grace" – a grace that precedes our conscious choice, preparing our hearts for God's love and drawing us towards Him.
This grace is the initial spark, a gentle nudge that awakens our souls to the possibility of a deeper relationship with God.
Faith, for Wesley, is the crucial response to this grace.
It's not merely intellectual assent, but a trust in God's love and a willingness to give him everything. It's a new way of seeing the world, perceiving the spiritual realm and recognizing God's presence and power in our lives.
Meditate on your own salvation. If you haven't made that step yet, maybe it is time to lean into the grace that you have already received and allow God to have presence in your heart and to permeate your life.
Song suggestion to Meditate on as you consider these next questions:“Amazing Grace”
Questions to Ponder:
How have you experienced God's prevenient grace in your life? Have you allowed yourself to think about the times that God gave you that grace? What moments have drawn you closer to Him? Reflect on the ways faith has opened your heart and mind to God's love and truth. Then write it down in a journal to come back to on this Way of Salvation journey.
Week 2. Justification: Forgiveness and Acceptance
Justification is the moment of God's forgiveness, where we are declared righteous in His sight through faith in Jesus Christ.
This is a gift of grace, not earned by our own efforts. He just likes us so much that he gives it to us for free. A concept that we don't really understand in this day and time. It's a fundamental shift in our relationship with God, moving from a state of separation to one of reconciliation. We are now not alone in the game towards the finish line.
Wesley emphasized that justification is not just a future event, but a present reality.
It brings immediate peace, joy, and a sense of belonging in God's family. It's a foundational experience that sets us free from guilt and shame.
Song suggestion to meditate to while you ponder the concept of Justification in your journey:
Song: Living Hope- Phil Wickham-
Chorus: Hallelujah, praise the one who set me free
Hallelujah, death has lost its grip on me
You have broken every chain
There’s salvation in your name
Jesus Christ, my living hope
Questions to ponder: Reflect on the freedom that comes with God's forgiveness. Has death lost its grip on you? How has this knowledge impacted your life? How can you continue to experience the joy and peace that comes from knowing you are accepted by God?
Week 3: Sanctification: Growing in Holiness: This is a big word and sounds scary, but there is always more to do on this journey.
Sanctification is the ongoing process of spiritual transformation, where we are empowered by the Holy Spirit to increasingly live in accordance with God's will.
It's a lifelong journey of growth in holiness, where we strive to embody the love of God in our thoughts, words, and actions. He becomes the center of all of our being and nothing else comes out but love and joy.
Wesley emphasized that sanctification is not a passive process, but requires our active participation.
It involves cultivating habits of prayer, Bible study, and service, as well as striving to overcome sin and live in accordance with God's teachings.
Song to meditate while you ponder on Sanctification:
Song: Make Room- Community Music
Consider: How can you actively participate in the process of sanctification? What areas of your life need further transformation? Are there rooms in your personal house that need to be opened to the Lord? Pray for God's guidance and strength as you seek to grow in holiness.
Week 4: Glorification...We Have Made it to the Endgame!
We have now made it to the Endgame...Glorification!! There is no week of study for this one. If we focus on getting ourselves towards Sanctification, then we will make it to Glory with the Father at the end. Praise the Lord.
Wesley believed that love, especially the love of God and neighbor, is the driving force behind Christian living.
It's the foundation of a truly transformed life, leading us to do good, to care for others, and to live in harmony with God's will. This will ensure that we will make it to the foot of Jesus someday.
Song to meditate on in anticipation for Glorification some day: Bodies- Barry Scott and Second Wind
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